We help to conserve, protect, and enhance the wildlife and the habitats of the Nulhegan River Basin for the continuing benefit of current and future generations.

Photo by Judy Valente

Friends Meeting on Tuesday, April 1, 2025:

A Friends of Nulhegan meeting will be held on Tuesday. April 1, 2025 at 6:30 pm, via Zoom. Refuge Manager Steve Agius will be giving us an update about the Nulhegan Basin Division and the status of projects at the Refuge. We will hear updates about snowmobiling at the Refuge and about snowmobiling in Essex County.

If anyone has photos please send them to david.govatski@gmail.com, and we will show them at the meeting. If anyone has questions or suggestions for the agenda please know that they are welcome to send those to david.govatski@gmail.com, as well.

Bring your questions!

Topic: Friends of Nulhegan
Time: Apr 1, 2025 18:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 3057 3010
Passcode: 067789

Art Contest- Federal Junior Duck Stamp Program in Vermont


             The annual state-wide Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program is underway in Vermont.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service invites students from pre-K to 12th grade to create designs featuring ducks, swans, or geese in their natural habitats.  Designs are judged in four age categories, with awards for first, second, and third places and honorable mentions.  Entries must be received by March 15th, 2025. Entries must be received by March 15th, 2025. Mail entries to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at 5396 Route 105, Brunswick VT 05905.

             The Vermont Best of Show entry will compete with contest winners from other states in a national competition in Washington D.C.  The first-place national winning design is used to create the Federal Junior Duck Stamp.  Proceeds from the sale of Junior Duck Stamps support conservation education by providing awards and scholarships for students, teachers, and schools.   

             Modeled after the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s annual Federal Duck Stamp competition, the Junior Duck Stamp contest is part of an educational curriculum that teaches students about waterfowl, the importance of wetlands, and habitat conservation.  Proceeds from the sale of Federal Duck Stamps protect wetlands through land acquisition by the National Wildlife Refuge System. 

               Contest rules and entry forms are currently available for download at the following web site: https://www.fws.gov/birds/education/junior-duck-stamp-conservation-program.php. For more information on the contest call the Silvio O. Conte National Fish & Wildlife Refuge at (802) 962-5240, ext. 112.  Businesses or organizations who would like to sponsor this program are encouraged to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.           

“Red-breasted Merganser by Ezra Goss

2024 Vermont Best of Show

A message from Friends President David Govatski:

Hi Everyone:
Check out this excellent 12 minute video from UVM Extension on a bird study underway at the Nulhegan Basin. The two UVM wildlife biology and forestry students are studying bird population responses to habitat changes. I believe you will enjoy seeing the students in action.

Supporting both education and conservation

Friends of the Nulhegan Basin Fish and Wildlife Refuge, Inc. is an all volunteer organization that supports our local Nulhegan Basin Division of the Silvio O. Conte Wildlife Refuge through contributing volunteer labor when needed, applying for grants, and providing advocacy support. The Friends was originally formed in 2006 and remained active for a number of years, before becoming inactive. The organization was reestablished in 2018. New members are warmly welcomed as are donations, as we continue to explore ways to strengthen our advocacy in support of both education about and conservation of the wildlife and natural beauty around us.

Friends of Nulhegan collaborates with the National Wildlife Refuge Friends, which is part of The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. This Foundation was established by Congress in 1984 and partners with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to build community support for their local National Wildlife Refuges.

Become a Member


Another way to contribute is to donate your time and energy to a Refuge project. Watch our Friends FaceBook page as well as this website for opportunities.

Black Branch Bridge Re-decking Crew

Come to a Meeting

The Friends are meeting virtually at present via Zoom, with meetings announced via this website and our email distribution list. If you would like to be added to the email distribution list, please email friends@nulhegan.org.